8 Tips to Teaching a Trial Lesson by Teacher Brenda A trial class is probably one of the hardest types of lessons, you will have to teach. There are so many things on a checklist you must remember but here are 8 really useful tips. -Pacing -Student output -Error corrections -Rewards -Big face, small face mode -Speech speed -Audience -Feedback Pacing : Remember we have to wow them in 25 minutes, but the first 2 are the most vital as your first impression is what will set the tone for the rest of the class. Enter with a big smile and welcome your student. Gage if they are nervous, scared, or happy to learn. Introduce yourself and ask them to introduce themselves and their age. If you have time circle the images and see if the student can recall the lesson and ask simple questions. I give secondary awards and cold hard cash. Kids love it and in the end, they can purchase from my toy store. Student Output : Make sure the student is doing most of the speaking. I know this ...